My mother wrote verses and prayers and thoughts down all the time -- I have many journals that she wrote over the years, and they have been such a blessing to me. But something odd happened this week. I was messing with the computer cords because I couldn't get it to connect to the Internet, and I found a little yellow dusty piece of note paper down in that little space. I have no idea how it got there, but I smiled when I recognized Mother's handwriting. And is this a reminder from God or what? "Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time." What a thought!! and on the back was another good message.
"Whatever comes to any of us is sent or allowed by God."
I think this is what helped her face this terrible illness with such faith -- she once told me that she knew that hundreds of people were praying for her, and she knew God heard the prayers, so she just had to accept His plan, even if she was not healed from the cancer. I remember standing in the hall at the hospital as they wheeled her off for the mastectomy. She had to take her teeth out -- she hated that -- so she had the sheet pulled up over her mouth. But her eyes were bravely smiling, and she gave us a "thumbs up" sign as she saw us there.